Weekly Note
This week's Wright Society Newsletter features compelling news items on an upcoming lecture about Frank Lloyd Wright's Romeo & Juliet windmill; the Wright/Eichler connection; how to support an exciting Wright research project; and the battle to save a doomed Van Bergen residence.
As always let us know what you think, share any Wright-related news items you might have with us; and Keep Calm and Wright On!

Fall Inventory Closeout Sale on Teco Pottery - Starting Now!
We’ll be making a major announcement in a few weeks about our Teco Art Pottery Collection and while we won’t go into detail now (sorry - you’ll have to wait), we need to clear out all of our inventory. Can you help us?
Here’s the deal:
Oct 12-18, 2016: 30% off all Teco - use discount code* CLOSE30
Oct 19-25, 2016: 40% off all Teco - use discount code* CLOSE40
Oct 26-Nov 1, 2016: 50% off all Teco - use discount code* CLOSE50
*Each code will only be valid during the dates noted and must be entered during checkout.
You won’t see prices like this for quite awhile, so be sure to get them while you can!
Since many of our vases are in limited quantities (and this is a closeout sale) you might want to act fast while supplies last. Regardless, you’ll be able to get a great price on any Teco vase you find in our online store. Click here to browse the shop.
The Headlines

Wright's Romeo & Juliet Windmill Lecture
Designer and writer Erik Flesch of Taliesin Preservation presents an evening of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture, including the Romeo and Juliet Windmill and its connection to Shakespeare’s tragedy. Visitors will tour Wright’s extraordinary Hillside buildings on the Taliesin estate, where Wright achieved “the destruction of the box” of traditional architecture, and will enjoy wine and cheese in the beautiful Hillside Theater. Follow the link to get your tickets. Read more.

The Wright/Eichler Connection
Houzz features an interesting article that reveals how a Frank Lloyd Wright-designed house inspired Mid-century Modern icon, Joseph Eichler to build his MCM housing developments. Follow the link to learn more. Read more.

Support The Taliesin Perforated Boards Research Project
Artist and historian, Pali Davis-Holubar has been researching the fascinating subject of perforated boards (or "perfs") designed and integrated into various Frank Lloyd Wright-designed buildings. She recently started a gofundme campaign for funds to finalize the perf project research at the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives at Columbia University in New York City in advance of publishing a book on this fantastic Wright topic. Follow the link to learn more and help support this great research project. Read more.

Landmark Battle To Save A Van Bergen Home
The Chicago Tribune reports that the current owners of the Wilson Kline Residence, a 1922 John S. Van Bergen design, are fighting landmark nomination of the historic home located behind their primary residence and which was purchased with the intention of tearing it down to enlarge their yard. Can the house be saved if the owners want it destroyed? Follow the link to learn more about this troubling preservation battle. Read more.
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