The Headlines

John Lloyd Wright In Escondido Correction
Last week we posted info from an Escondido Grapevine article about a John Lloyd Wright display at The Valley Center History Museum in Escondido, CA. Turns out after hearing from one of our readers that there is no JLW display and the curator doesn’t know how that info in the Escondido Grapevine got published. Wanted to let Wright Society readers know!

University at Buffalo Celebrates Wright and Highlights Larkin
The University at Buffalo will honor the 150th anniversary of Frank Lloyd Wright’s birth by celebrating the renowned architect’s influence on the region’s Arts and Crafts movement. “Frank Lloyd Wright and the Buffalo School of Arts and Crafts” is a community-wide festival presented by the New York State Arts and Craft Alliance. A key exhibition on the Larkin Administration Building and the Larkin Company within that festival is “Wright’s Larkin: Arts and Crafts in Industry,” opening with a reception from 6-8 p.m. on June 7, 2017 in Hayes Hall on the University’s South Campus. The exhibition can be viewed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays, through October 29, 2017. Read more.

How Buffalo Turned Architectural Heritage Into Reinvention
Speaking of Buffalo, Curbed features the city as it works to reinvent itself by wholly embracing, investing-in, and showcasing its architectural heritage. Read more.

Yamagiwa's Lights The Wright Way For The 150th
In honor of Frank Lloyd Wright's 150th, Japanese light fixture maker, Yamagiwa, held an exhibition at the current Imperial Hotel in Tokyo (which sadly replaced FLLW's 1923 masterpiece) that featured a variety of lamps and fixtures from their Wright collection of reproductions. Read more.

Check Out The LEGO Turkel House
Wright Society reader and LEGO builder, Michele Van Hecker, lets us know that her LEGO model of Frank Lloyd Wright's Turkel House will be at the real Turkel House for this year's Palmer Woods Home & Garden Tour July 8-9, 2017 and on public display September 23-24, 2017 at Brickworld Michigan at the Suburban Showcase Collection. See more.

Dennis Blair-Designed House Lists For $1 Million
A large modernist compound in North Barrington, IL designed and built in the mid-1960s by Taliesin apprentice Dennis Blair has hit the market for $1 million. Check out more info and photos by following the link. Read more.

Historical Society of Princeton Exhibits Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings
The Historical Society of Princeton recently announced a new display of Frank Lloyd Wright drawings for the unbuilt Mills Residence, the architect's only Princeton client, as part of the celebration of FLLW's 150th. The museum at Updike Farmstead is open to the public Wednesday through Sunday from 12pm to 4pm, with free hours on Thursday evenings until 7pm. Admission is four dollars. Read more.

Arcosanti: Millennial Dreamer Desert Commune
The UK's Independent recently featured a piece on Paolo Soleri's Arcosanti and how its become a magnet for starry eyed utopian dreamers of the Millennial generation. As idyllic as it looks on the surface, the architectural earthiness and commune lifestyle is apparently not without its drama...sounds like the basis for the next reality TV show. Read more.

Frank Lloyd Wright's Models and How MoMA Preserved Them
Archinect features an engaging article on the various Frank Lloyd Wright building models that MoMA now has stewardship of and spotlights the process of stabilizing and restoring them. Read more.

A Look At The Ralph Griffin House
The Pueblo Chieftain recently featured the Walter Burley Griffin-designed Prairie School home in Edwardsville, IL designed for the architect's brother Ralph in 1909-10. Read more.

Icons and Oddities from the Massive Frank Lloyd Wright Archive
If you can't find a way to make it to the MoMA exhibit Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive in NY, then check out this Hyperallergic article with tons of photos from the show. Read more.
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